Martindale Hubbell Standards
AV - Highest ratings by Martindale-Hubbell.
"Very Highest" legal ability
"Unquestioned" ethics
Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review
Martindale-Hubbell ® is a 140 year old firm that maintains a legal network database of more than one million lawyers. The Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Ratings are established by lawyers and the judiciary based on both ethical standards and legal ability.
The legal community respects these ratings as the members of the legal community are directly involved in the rating process. You can be confident that when you hire an attorney with a high Martindale-Hubbel rating, that the attorney has superior ethics and a high degree of professional experience.
Rating Explanation
There are two components to Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Ratings:
1. General Ethical Standards Rating
The General Ethical Standards Rating denotes adherence to professional standards of conduct and ethics, reliability, diligence and other criteria relevant to the discharge of professional responsibilities.
The General Recommendation Rating is:
V - Very High
A lawyer must receive a General Ethical Standards Rating before his or her review can proceed to the next step.
2. Legal Ability Ratings
Legal Ability Ratings take into consideration the standard of professional ability in the area where the lawyer practices, the lawyer's expertise, and other professional qualifications. If a lawyer's practice is limited or specialized, Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Ratings are based on performance in those specific fields of law.
Legal Ability Ratings are:
C - Good to High
B - High to Very High
A - Very High to Preeminent
Martindale-Hubbell® thus provide three levels of peer rating:
1. A CV ® rating is given to qualifying attorneys who have been in the bar for at least three to four years. It indicates the attorney is “above-average” and has unquestionable ethics.
2. A BV ® rating is given to attorneys with a significant track record and who have been in the bar for at least five years.
3. An AV ® rating is the highest an attorney can receive. To obtain this rating, an attorney must have been in the bar for at least 10 years. This rating indicates that an attorney’s colleagues and the judiciary perceive him/her to be at the pinnacle of professionalism and ethics.
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